Another abysmal performance by Blackburn yesterday which saw Rovers drop back into the bottom three. The false dawn of a victory over Arsenal last week has seen Steve Kean go on a media frenzy appearing on the radio and TV as he lapped up Rovers first Victory of the season in the league. I was half expecting to see a picture of Steve Kean on the Milk which was delivered yesterday in recognition of his 4-3 Victory over a shakey Gunners.
The victory was welcomed by all supporters and even had many changing their opinion of the great one. I listened to caller after caller on talk shows ringing to congratulate Steve Kean on the marvelous job he has done in turning a top 10 team into relegation favourites in just 10 months. Whilst on the TV his constant licking of his lips like a cat got the cream he purred with confidence as he spoke about the idiotic 1% of fans who wanted him out. I was amazed by the statistic, but as only 700 Marched last Saturday, I had no defence to the statistics Steve was playing. Nothing to throw back him to suggest that figure false, only a few online polls, and tweets from people wanting him gone.
He ridiculed the Rovers supporters who marched whilst alienating them as the 1% who did not get behind him and the team. I'm proud that I marched shoulder to shoulder with all the individuals who met with me at on a cold wet Saturday morning. Age, Race religion proved no barrier for us as we united as one to stand up and fight for the future of our club. I had never been to a protest before and did not know what quite to suspect, However what I saw was faces of desperation, passion and a group of people who was willing to do anything just to be heard.
Leading upto the March and after the March the fans who turned up have had insults thrown at them, been laughed at, been called an embarrasement to the club and supporters, and I have also had insults thrown my way on message boards and though my twitter account. We was told we have egg on our faces and should drift away into the night and never raise our pathetic voices again.
One week on and now the calls for the Managers removal are getting louder, What can we do as supporters? Every idea is shot down by a section of the supporters, yet they offer no other solution. Do we just take it on the chin? Do we let Venkys and Steve Kean take us so far down that we once again become that club which was struggling in the lower divisions before Jack Walker came along. I remember those days, because I was one of those fans who went on the games when we had nothing, Do I want to see Jacks Legacy finally ended by people who have no real concern for the club?
As fans we will always be here, Players, Managers ect can find new clubs. Owners can take their ball home and sell up, But until the day I die I will always bleed blue and white. There is no getting away from it, No changing of colours, No quick fix. Fans are the football team, and if we stand together we can achieve great things.
There is only so far down this ladder we can go before we hit rock bottom, Do we want to stand around and let that happen? As supporters of the club you can either approach this as, What will be will be, Or you can be pro-active and fight for it. Surely our club is worth fighting for? If you don't think it is then maybe we have already lost the battle, Maybe I'm just too passionate about my club, and others don't share the same hurt and pain.
All I do know is I will never stop fighting for something I believe in and although my voice may not be heard i'd rather try and fail, than not bother trying at all!!
Rovers Revisited
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Peas at Half-time
Rovers Revisited is pleased to post another article done in humour from our guest writer Perth-Blue
Its all tongue in cheek and part one of the journey to Pune. I really hope you all enjoy it?
Its all tongue in cheek and part one of the journey to Pune. I really hope you all enjoy it?
As I am luckily enough to be one of the chosen 9 Rovers supporters to visit the land of the clubs owners , I thought I would detail the visit in a blog
Arrived at airport and we were welcomed into the exclusive golden VIP waiting area , complementary drinks and snacks and a wall of 52 inch plasma screens, I don't think these screens were working correctly because all they did was keep flashing up images really quickly. I recorded one of the screens on my video camera and played it back slowly, every three seconds a picture flashed up first of Steve Kean , then it said love Kean, then a picture of Balaji which said love Balaji then the same with his brother and sister and finally the venkys logo which said love venkys, then it went back to the beginning.
Anyway as I said think they were faulty because i didn't understand that, but had an overwhelming desire for a chicken leg, luckily there was plenty on offer.
With chatting to the other supporters and listening to the gentle womb like celestial music with whispering in the background coming from the Walkmans that venkys had kindly supplied to us, time flew and we were ready to board the plane.
Transfer flight to London was pretty uneventful, good job really as Balaji had put some of his bollywood movies on the in flight video system.
Imagine our surprise when we boarded the India bound plane and all the players were sat there, the 9 of us were directed to a section in 5 rows of two seats, with instruction that every half hour somebody else had to sit on their own, unfortunately every time somebody new sat alone this bald drunk bloke staggered up and sat beside them and started rabbiting on about the grass not being wet enough and stuff like that, didn't really make much sense until you gazed at his eyes then everything seemed clearer.
After he had spent what seemed to be a lifetime talking at everyone twice , he went over and sat next to Michel Salgado, luckily I overheard some of the conversation, Salgado was explaining the importance of having cover as a right back, but the bald bloke wasnt interested and was chatting to his friend Jeremy? jeromey ? or something like that ,on the phone think they might be in business together because all I heard was "how's it going" "yeah can't believe we've got away with it this long" "how much" then burst out laughing
A long flight but the monotony was broken by Jason Roberts, he got the songs going, "Steve Kean's blue and white army" " we love you keano we do" and an hilarious version of the the spitting image chicken song before doing a touching rendition of "the wing beneath my wings" whilst kneeling in front of the bald bloke.
I was impressed by Dunny he can really turn on the charm when he wants to, while all of us got one bag of nuts, Dunny got two ,a bag of nik naks, and a wagon wheel, sure that air hostess in the yellow and blue chicken suit with the words eat me on it, fancied him.
I saw Yakubu looking over at Dunny , don't think he was impressed but he got his own back by slying off to the catering deck and eating everybody's Wild Salmon & Spinach Fish Cake and Chive Mayonnaise starters. Never mind feed the Yak and he will score, after that lot it was feed the yak and he will sleep
Don't think Samba likes flying, he was sat there in a 1971 Arsenal cup winners shirt looking grumpy all flight and only laughed once when Vince got up to get something from the overhead locker and pulled a muscle in his back. Because Chris is such a dominating figure all the rest of the lads were too scared to ask him could they have a go on FIFA 2011 that he was playing on the in flight entertainment centre.
I didn't know, but think Venkys had run a competition for somebody to spend some time with professional footballers, the lucky winner was a lad called Myles, think he had learning difficulties because the bald bloke seemed to like him and kept saying he was a late developer. He arranged for Myles to put on the captains hat and visit the cockpit, lucky sod.
It was all merry until the red wine ran out and the bald bloke had to drink Budweiser, by the end of the flight there must have been 20 half full bottles around the plane , and he was going round to everyone shouting, "what have you put in this" before finishing them off, must admit I got a bit scared when he pulled the pilot off his seat and tried to fly the plane whilst singing Gloria Gayners "I will survive"..
Think Venky's have sorted this trip on the cheap, the air stewardess came round with a dreadful wine a Chateau Mouton Rothschild think it was called, must be one of those bulk job lot wines because don't recall ever seeing it in Bargain Booze
The rest of the players were having a game of throw the peanut at Robinson, Paul was diving all over his seat flipping the peanuts all over the place, Unfortunately Jason spoilt the fun by wanting a go , he didn't get one peanut within 10 feet of robbo, rest of the players looked away in embarrassment. Stick to singing Jason!
After this Hoilett and Olsson started a race down the aisle it was supposed to be there and back , but once they ran forward they didn't seem as interested in coming back, Hoilett's a funny lad he was convinced he wanted to sit in seat number 6 but then stated if somebody offered him number 15 he would move, don't know what that was about.
Poor Ryan as club captain one of his duties involves looking after the creche on away trips so it was him who dealt with the constant shouts of "are we there yet" and "I wanna go toilet" which started 10 minutes after take off, once he stopped Junior and Martin running around the plane he arranged a game of pass the parcel with the rest of the young guns, it went well until the parcel got to Rochina and he wouldn't pass it on and opened it himself..Nzonzi not happy he didnt get his turn jumped up and started break dancing, then spinning on his head, not to be outdone Formica started some Latino moves down the aisle. at this point Ryan shouted over to Big Chris , Samba got up from his seat walked over to the creche and slammed a copy of the London property guide 2011 on the back of a seat and glared at the young uns who all rushed back to their seats , I did notice Jason Lowe giggling behind his hand and when samba turned his back pulling his tongue out.
The stewardess called that lunch was being served , the Yak and Dunny suddenly woke up, as the yak had eaten all the starters we had a choice of standard main course fair of Herb Crusted Rump of Lamb Thyme & Red Wine reduction with Scallion Crushed New Season Potatoes or Roasted Cod on a bed of Creamed Garlic Mash With Saffron Cream & Wilted Young Spinach, Goodwillie was not happy he wanted chips, I chose the herb crusted lamb, it was nice but if Venky's are trying to curry favour with us , they had better up their game. Choice of desserts was nice and a good touch for the lads in the creche is that they could put their own hundred's and thousands on their Ice cream. All of a sudden the creche erupted into giggles apparently young Slew had arranged his hundreds and thousands into the shape of a man's bits and was shouting "Im a goodwillie" in a scottish accent. Ryan had had enough and sent all the creche to bed.
By this time everybody was feeling a bit tired so the lights dimmed and as I was getting settled looked over at the seat across the aisle and saw Jason placing a blanket over the bald man , and softly singing a lullaby to him , he Lent down to kiss him on the forehead but missed and banged his nose on the seat headrest, I closed my eyes quickly put my in flight headphones on and pretended to be asleep. Funny it was the same smoothing music as on the walk man's that Venky's had supplied .
When I woke up , the plane was descending at the airport a sense of excitement in the air, before entering immigration imagine our surprise to be met by Anuradha and Venkatesh, I managed to capture this on my video camera.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Latter Day Kean
My Blog has always been a place where I put my views and report on things as I see it, However after going through the forum posts on BRFCS today I came across a very interesting post that made me chuckle, which had been wrote with humour and was representative of how fans can change their minds. It's will publicised I organised the Protest March on Saturday for the removal of Steve Kean as Blackburn Rovers due to his poor points to game ratio, but this post has been done by someone who supported the Kean out campaign
PERTHBLUE02 : A BRFCS site member
After recently
finding out I'm not a supporter of BRFC firstly because I didn't support Kean
and now finding out that Venky's see supporters as UK based season ticket
holders only (I do have a season ticket now at Perth Glory does that count?
wouldn't class myself as a Glory supporter though ) despite attending games
since I was 6 -1972 until I moved away 2008 and a couple when I could get back
home) I have now seen the wrong of my ways and become a disciple in the Church
of latter day Kean, let me tell you my story
Kean 3.16
On the Seventeenth
day of the ninth month in the year 2011
(Old Calendar system, please refer to the Keanian calendar currently year 0 day
20, but is reset often to year 0 day 0) a miracle occurred which brought new followers
and myself to the church of Latter day Kean
At Ewood Park now
renamed the Temple of Sacred Miracle of
the Saviour and witnessed by 700 (1%) non believers and 63,300 (99%) believers
and a worldwide audience via television the great one Kean turned a run of the
mill football team into an ensemble of Brazillianeseque proportions and only
after two games into his reign which now
sees us lead the official table and not the one run by dark forces of evil the
premier league which says we have played 4 games but as we now know it is only
2 games played ever under the Lord Kean..
As a non believer I
viewed and was not convinced until I watched the lord saviour's after match
sermon and coming on this message board
his flock inspired by the miracle and sermon had grown in numbers and convinced me it was
only the year zero day 17 of our Lord Kean's reign, previously an impostor
tainted by the anti Christ allardyceabob has been parading as the lord.
It was this impostor
that had lied and bluffed his way through the previous 8 months (old year
system) and forced the true lord to take the devils brew whilst breaking the
law. But the Lord Kean helped by the Guardian Angel Anderson overcame the
impostor and increased the funds to fight evil and rid the team of allardyebob
and now it is told that Lord Kean is sending his own army, his team (except
Robinson, Salgado, Olsson, Samba, Givet, Nelsen , Dunn, Grella , Pedersen,
Bunn, N'Zonzi, Hoilett, Roberts etc) onto the battlefield and the new world
The non believers
were berated by the growing believers , but yet the non believers remain.
The Lord Kean's most
dedicated followers from the Temple of the Chicken in India are now welcoming
only true followers of the 136 year old institution to train and send back to spread the Lords
word. Would be missionaries will be bestowed gifts and allowed to question the Venkian order of the
Chicken Temple regarding the warmth of
pies and the fizziness of soft drinks in match day kiosks , before being
granted a mass meeting with the Lord Kean who will work his hypnotic charm so
that they can spread the word of unicorns, fluffy clouds, brilliant rainbows
and European football
Excuse any typos I am
currently sending this via my phone whilst going through my Baptism into the
Lord of our Kean cult which involves shaving my head after drinking two glasses
of red wine and a bottle of Budweiser (which i left unattended as instructed)
and driving down the motorway at 90mph whilst on my mobile.
Praise The Kean
I've seen the light
will you ? You get this free t-shirt
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Blackburn Rovers sponsor WEC Group Interview
In 2008 local Engineering company WEC teamed up with Blackburn Rovers to become one of the clubs main sponsors. This including the sponsorship of the Darwen End Stand which was renamed the WEC stand. WEC has been trading for over 30 years and has grown beyond all recognition to become a multi million pound enterprise.
Group Director Mr Wayne Wilde kindly agreed to do a question and answers session with me for the BRFCS Supporters site, to give fans an insight into off the field events which ultimately have an effect on the field, with extra revenue which these types of partnerships can generate for the club
1. Who are WEC and what do they do?
Family owned Metal Fabrication company. 32 years old.
Mainly based in Darwen but also a factory in Knowsley and a new factory
in Sherburn-in-Elmet.
Approx £30m turnover with >300 employees.
2. It's well documented that you are a avid Blackburn Rovers supporter, could you explain how you came to support Rovers?
Local lad, born at Queens Park Hospital, went to Shadsworth School and supported Blackburn from very early on along with my dad.
3.In 2008 WEC signed a two year deal to sponsor the club and as part of the sponsorship deal the Darwen End was renamed the WEC stand, How proud a moment was it for you to incorporate your business with your passion as a supporter of the club?
Exceptionally proud moment for me personally. The Board
of Directors at WEC are not generally football fans so its mainly driven
through me so to see the naming
of the Stand was a very proud time, and still is.
4. Has the extra exposure WEC gets worldwide had a positive impact on the companies profile?
It has been a very good branding building exercise
locally to increase our profile. In terms of further a field it doesn’t
really give much exposure.
5. Sponsorship is a two way street, how has this partnership worked for WEC?, and what support has the club been able to give you and the other directors in return? i.e. guest speakers ect
We have an apprentice of the year awards evening every
year and BRFC has sent a guest awards presenter to each event which has
gone done exceptionally well
with the apprentices. We have had Andre Ooijer, Sam Allardyce and Ryan
Nelson presenting so far.
6.The club was took over in December 2010, which spelled the end of the Walkers Era by Venkys. What are your first impressions of the new owners vision for the club?
In order to move forward we had to get new owners who
would invest money in the club. The jury is out current as we have not
seen this investment in the playing
squad other than through trading. Hopefully once all the dust has
settled and lessons are learnt from some of the PR mistakes made we can
build a positive future.
7. Supporters were delighted that WEC signed a new deal to continue their sponsorship with the club this summer as it was great for continuity, and great for the town that a local company was playing an important role for the growth of the club. How long does this deal last? Has this deal got the potential to open up new avenue's for WEC due to the new marketing strategy the club wishes to explore with worldwide brand awareness?
The new deal is only a 1 year extension. 98% of our
business is UK based so I don’t feel there is a great deal of potential
for exports but you never know
8.2006 saw the brith of WEC's Training Academy which has been given the personal seal of approval from the Prime Minister David Cameron. Can you explain how the academy works and potential opportunities for young people who are looking for a career in Engineering?
We introduce 10 new apprentices every year onto out
training program onto a 5 year scheme. They are fully taught all aspects
of welding and metalworking by
our full time in house trainer and also receive off site training.
Applications for a position are accepted annually and we would prefer
local people to be accepted first for obvious reasons.
9.Does WEC have an executive box at Ewood Park? If so has WEC been able to utilise this to entertain both potential New customers and Existing clients within the companies portfolio?
We have 2 tables in the Premier Suite where we entertain
customers. This is used to thank our customers for their business and
to build relationships with
them away from the work environment.
10. The growth of WEC has been phenomenal, What other projects are the company involved with, and what sort of things are we likely to see during the next 12 months?
We are currently building a replacement Dome for Darwen
Tower and a 18 foot stainless steel sculpture of a Spitfire that will be
erected in Darwen Town Centre.
Both made in the Apprentice Training School and donated free of charge.
11. Finally what are your hopes for the season both on and off the pitch?
Large scale investment to help us compete at the top
table, as has been promised ! Currently its to stay in the Premier
League and build on stability with
all the new staff and players that have arrived at the club recently.
A Big thank you to Wayne Wilde and the WEC Group for kindly giving their valuable time to share their experiences with the fans
Saturday, 3 September 2011
No Excuses
The Transfer window has closed, Steve Kean has picked his 22 Man squad and in the Managers own words “Now is the time to judge”

Its been a roller-coaster summer in the transfer market with everyman and his dog being linked with a move to Ewood Park, but as the window closes as fans its time to reflect.
Despite the sale of Phil Jones, Blackburn have managed to retain the other key element’s of the squad. The hawks have been circling Ewood Park all summer, as the club braced itself for bids for Captain Chris Samba, whilst young guns, Olsson and N’Zonzi were also linked with moves away. However as we go into the International break with the window firmly shut instead of us having a depleted squad we have retained these players and added, plenty of promise and experience.
The season could not of got off any worse, As Rovers have suffered their worst start in 60 years with three straight results. The pressure from the terraces is mounting on Manager Steve Kean as 90% of fans now want the club owners Venkys to act and replace the Rookie Manager. To date despite the unrest from the fans the owners have remained 100% behind the Manager. A week from now Rover’s travel to Fulham in search of their first points of the season and the general feeling and mood amongst the Ewood faithful is nothing but a win will do. Even a point at this stage will have the fans galvanised behind their call’s for “Taxi for Kean” Literally as the Manager also suffered the discrace of being convicted for drink driving other the summer which saw the role model for fans given an 18 months driving ban at Macclesfield Magistrate Court.
Last season Steve Kean could point to the fact that the squad he had at his disposal was inherited from previous Manager Sam Allardyce, and despite the previous Manager getting a better tune from the players Steve Kean successfully kept the club in the Premier league.
Over the summer the squad has had serious surgery no fewer than eight player have arrived through the doors at Ewood adding to the two Kean added in January. This is now the Managers team, and he has no excuses. He has publically stated that he highlighted the targets and is thrilled with Rovers summer business.
Now is the time for all talk to stop and Rovers to deliver on the pitch, We don’t want to hear the weekly “What could of been”. When Venkys took the decision to remove Sam Allardyce as Manager of the club, they took a mighty gamble. Allardyce’s style of football was not to everyone’s liking but its a points mean prizes business and one thing no-one can take away from the former Rovers Manager’s CV is his ability to deliver the points on the board. This is an art Steve Kean has yet to master as his record since being at the helm of our proud club is one of the worst in the clubs history.
Off the field communication between the owners and the fans has been non-existant, So much for keeping the family club mentality?
Steve Kean is currently on his monthly trip to Pune, and as a worried fan, I sincerely hope the message of “Last chance saloon” is being delivered in no-uncertain terms by the owners to Steve Kean. The club are happy to take our money each season through ticket and merchandise payments, but in return all we ask for is our investment is being used in the best interest of the club. Alienating fans or customers dependant on the business model the club is now adopting is not sustainable. We hear the call’s for patience and the glass half full mentality, however many fans Glasses appear to have sprung a leak and quite rightfully so.
My message to the owners and Steve Kean is in reply to your message, “You will be judged, the slate won’t be wiped clean, and its upto you to get the fans back on side. If you can deliver both on and off the pitch then happy days, However is you risk the clubs very future it won’t just be the poll’s for the Manager’s exit which will stand at 90%”
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
A New dawn
“If you’re feeling low, don’t despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night, but it comes back up every morning. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
There was so many things I could of written about today especially with the different issue’s circling around our club which fans wish would go away.
However I have chosen this post to be the first of many which will hopefully have a positive spin on the journey each and everyone of us take as a Blackburn Rovers fan.
A new potential star has come to fore this season in young Argentinian International Mauro Formica. Having been signed by Steve Kean in January Rovers fans have needed to wait patiently to see the player who was hailed as “A Young Batistuta” By the gaffer to grace the Ewood turf with his presence.
Upon signing I was keen as mustard to see this boy in action and travelled to the reserve game against Everton earlier in the year to see him wear he famous Blue and White halves for the first time. I came away from that game a tad disappointed after a lacklustre performance . He looked unfit, had the touch of a baby Rhino and was overshadowed by fellow January signing Ruben Rochina who had me purring on my return journey home.
That debut match stuck in my mind all the way through to this summer’s pre- season. Had we bought a duck egg? Had I seen the wrong Youtube video’s?
Luckily for me and Rovers I’m no scout, and he hit the ground running in our pre-season fixtures. Showing all the attributes of a player who could be a massive hit with Rovers and the adoring faithful.
A debut goal against Wolves could not prevent Rovers from suffering an opening day defeat, but his performance at least gave us all something positive to talk about over a pint with our friends in the pub that evening. Quickly forgetting the Aston Villa match Formica again was at his very best when coming on as an early substitute against Everton this past weekend. His sublime touches and vision at times were a joy to watch. His ability to penetrate defences is something Blackburn have been starved off for years and along with the other young talented players we have at the club, this is a time to be excited in terms of potential we now have on our books at Ewood.
It will more than likely be next season when we see Formica as a well oiled machine, however if he can turn in the type of performances he did on Saturday on a regular basis then I do believe we are in for a treat. Its things like this that can get “The SUN to break the CLOUDS” , And give fans renewed hope that although results have not gone our way for one reason or another, we still have tools within our box capable of producing the goods. A couple more additions in this window and I will sleep more easily, but for now i’m quite pleased to say Mauro Formica is one who has wetted my appetite
There was so many things I could of written about today especially with the different issue’s circling around our club which fans wish would go away.
However I have chosen this post to be the first of many which will hopefully have a positive spin on the journey each and everyone of us take as a Blackburn Rovers fan.
A new potential star has come to fore this season in young Argentinian International Mauro Formica. Having been signed by Steve Kean in January Rovers fans have needed to wait patiently to see the player who was hailed as “A Young Batistuta” By the gaffer to grace the Ewood turf with his presence.
Upon signing I was keen as mustard to see this boy in action and travelled to the reserve game against Everton earlier in the year to see him wear he famous Blue and White halves for the first time. I came away from that game a tad disappointed after a lacklustre performance . He looked unfit, had the touch of a baby Rhino and was overshadowed by fellow January signing Ruben Rochina who had me purring on my return journey home.
That debut match stuck in my mind all the way through to this summer’s pre- season. Had we bought a duck egg? Had I seen the wrong Youtube video’s?
Luckily for me and Rovers I’m no scout, and he hit the ground running in our pre-season fixtures. Showing all the attributes of a player who could be a massive hit with Rovers and the adoring faithful.
A debut goal against Wolves could not prevent Rovers from suffering an opening day defeat, but his performance at least gave us all something positive to talk about over a pint with our friends in the pub that evening. Quickly forgetting the Aston Villa match Formica again was at his very best when coming on as an early substitute against Everton this past weekend. His sublime touches and vision at times were a joy to watch. His ability to penetrate defences is something Blackburn have been starved off for years and along with the other young talented players we have at the club, this is a time to be excited in terms of potential we now have on our books at Ewood.
It will more than likely be next season when we see Formica as a well oiled machine, however if he can turn in the type of performances he did on Saturday on a regular basis then I do believe we are in for a treat. Its things like this that can get “The SUN to break the CLOUDS” , And give fans renewed hope that although results have not gone our way for one reason or another, we still have tools within our box capable of producing the goods. A couple more additions in this window and I will sleep more easily, but for now i’m quite pleased to say Mauro Formica is one who has wetted my appetite
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Fans UNITED in campaign to preserve Jacks legacy
The last four days have been frantic since the publishing of "Puppet or Puppeteer" On Rover Revisited, At the writing of this follow up post the article has received 33478 views from a Worldwide audience covering the UK, Scandinavia, Asia, India, Australia, India and the rest of Europe. Journalist and media outlets from around the world have been in touch about doing a follow up article of their own, after Blackburn Rovers fans United as one to protect the long term future of the club. Blackburn Rovers, Venkys and media outlets have been swarmed with letters and emails asking for the removal of Manager Steve Kean, whilst asking questions about Venky's future plans for the club.
Henry winter of the Telegraph after receiving calls from a number of fans published an article which was inspired by the Puppet or Puppeteer Blog post, Whilst over in Norway where Blackburn Rovers have a fantastic following, leading TV journalist Kaspar Wikestad has also done a follow up article posing even more questions of the Rovers administration the link to these articles can be found here.
In addition to this I have personally received hundreds of emails and messages offering support and asking what individuals can do to help rid the club of unethical practices.
Facebook and leading Rovers supporter sites have been running polls and drumming up supporters to stand as one in an attempt to try and get Venkys to see the light and move the club forwards. Steve Kean despite having one of the worst records ever held by a Manager of the club remains at the helm.
On Tuesday co-owner Venkatesh Rao came out fighting as news of discontent amongst the supporters was growing to a whole new level, with polls showing that 96% of fans wanted Steve Kean removing with immediate effect.
He told the Lancashire Telegraph:
"There has been wrong information and it looks really bad but we are financially very strong. The only issue is we want to spend very carefully."
"If the right player becomes available and we can get a good deal then we are going to grab it.
"We need to improve in some places and I am sure we are bringing in some players and we are working hard on that.
"This is our baby and we owe it to the fans to get results.
"Please do not be disappointed. We are very positive we will improve results."
Venkys also read a copy of the article on this Blog site and Vineeth Rao's reaction was to remove me off his facebook, This is the same Vineeth Rao who has been conducting Blackburn Rovers transfer activities and famously earlier this month asked a fan to draw up a list of transfer targets for Blackburn to have a look at. One of these players on this list was free agent Ciprian Marica, who Rovers subsequently made an approach to sign. This shows a complete lack of organisation that a fans view would be taken over the clubs scouting network.
There is still lots of rumours surrounding Blackburns relationship with Jerome Anderson, Rovers have in recent weeks tried to make people think that their relationship with the controversial agent was at a fractured level.
However on Wednesday Rovers played their second round League cup tie at Ewood Park against Sheffield Wednesday. In attendance was co-owner Balaij Rao who was clearly seen in the directors box with Jerome Anderson as his guest. Was this whole fallout rumour the club put out through Venkys PR company all a smokescreen? It certainly looked that way and with the Venkys/Kentaro relationship already under scrutiny with fans this public showing has only fueled rumours that Jerome Anderson is still pulling the strings at Ewood Park, Whilst his client Steve Kean remains the untouchable Manager.
Various sources alleges that Steve Kean was offered the Managers Job prior to the completion of the takeover of the club in December. If this is true, It would explain WHY, Steve Kean continues to be publicly backed by the owners in public.
With all the rumours going around and "In the Know" Individuals making others aware of the chain of events at Ewood during and after the takeover, Its become a worrying time to be a Blackburn Fan. However these frustration has been channeled by hard facts on the pitch. After narrowly escaping relegation last season Rovers have started this season with two successive defeats and sit 19th in the table. £25 Million has been raised in sales, whilst other players including longest serving player Brett Emerton are expected to leave before this window closes.
To date Blackburn have taken the stance to buy young players who have no experience of the Premier league, and all of these transfers have taken an age to complete. Blackburn are still in the market for another 3 or 4 players and their transfer dealings will go down to the last minute of this transfer window.
The club has promised to deliver on the transfer front and Steve Kean maintains that deals are close on a daily basis. I can confirm transfer activity behind the scenes is frantic as Rovers look to add faces capable of improving the squad. These will not be the marquee players that Venkys promised but cheap sensible buys with low risk factors in terms of sell on value
Saturday in normal circumstances would be like a cup final to supporters as we crave our first league win of the season, But some fans have said they would gladly take another defeat if it meant justice was done and Steve Kean was sacked with immediate effect. He has no experience of running a top flight football club from the front and he is tactically naive,. Managers are judged on results and he has just not produced them. Therefore he should be shown the door purely on his Management record, if Venkys were to take this step they might just get a few fans back on side. By keeping Kean at the helm they are showing they don't have the clubs best interest at heart, by their continued association with Jerome Anderson they are showing that they think they are above the rules.
A football club can't exist without its fans, and if Venky's continue to alienate us fans for their own personal gain then the backlash will be vast.
I call out to all Rovers fans to show your hand and to continue the good work you are already doing to try and save our club from ruin. It takes many voices to make an impact, but if you stick together and tell the right people then Venkys will have no choice but to listen.
Henry winter of the Telegraph after receiving calls from a number of fans published an article which was inspired by the Puppet or Puppeteer Blog post, Whilst over in Norway where Blackburn Rovers have a fantastic following, leading TV journalist Kaspar Wikestad has also done a follow up article posing even more questions of the Rovers administration the link to these articles can be found here.
In addition to this I have personally received hundreds of emails and messages offering support and asking what individuals can do to help rid the club of unethical practices.
Facebook and leading Rovers supporter sites have been running polls and drumming up supporters to stand as one in an attempt to try and get Venkys to see the light and move the club forwards. Steve Kean despite having one of the worst records ever held by a Manager of the club remains at the helm.
On Tuesday co-owner Venkatesh Rao came out fighting as news of discontent amongst the supporters was growing to a whole new level, with polls showing that 96% of fans wanted Steve Kean removing with immediate effect.
He told the Lancashire Telegraph:
"There has been wrong information and it looks really bad but we are financially very strong. The only issue is we want to spend very carefully."
"If the right player becomes available and we can get a good deal then we are going to grab it.
"We need to improve in some places and I am sure we are bringing in some players and we are working hard on that.
"This is our baby and we owe it to the fans to get results.
"Please do not be disappointed. We are very positive we will improve results."
Venkys also read a copy of the article on this Blog site and Vineeth Rao's reaction was to remove me off his facebook, This is the same Vineeth Rao who has been conducting Blackburn Rovers transfer activities and famously earlier this month asked a fan to draw up a list of transfer targets for Blackburn to have a look at. One of these players on this list was free agent Ciprian Marica, who Rovers subsequently made an approach to sign. This shows a complete lack of organisation that a fans view would be taken over the clubs scouting network.
There is still lots of rumours surrounding Blackburns relationship with Jerome Anderson, Rovers have in recent weeks tried to make people think that their relationship with the controversial agent was at a fractured level.
However on Wednesday Rovers played their second round League cup tie at Ewood Park against Sheffield Wednesday. In attendance was co-owner Balaij Rao who was clearly seen in the directors box with Jerome Anderson as his guest. Was this whole fallout rumour the club put out through Venkys PR company all a smokescreen? It certainly looked that way and with the Venkys/Kentaro relationship already under scrutiny with fans this public showing has only fueled rumours that Jerome Anderson is still pulling the strings at Ewood Park, Whilst his client Steve Kean remains the untouchable Manager.
Various sources alleges that Steve Kean was offered the Managers Job prior to the completion of the takeover of the club in December. If this is true, It would explain WHY, Steve Kean continues to be publicly backed by the owners in public.
With all the rumours going around and "In the Know" Individuals making others aware of the chain of events at Ewood during and after the takeover, Its become a worrying time to be a Blackburn Fan. However these frustration has been channeled by hard facts on the pitch. After narrowly escaping relegation last season Rovers have started this season with two successive defeats and sit 19th in the table. £25 Million has been raised in sales, whilst other players including longest serving player Brett Emerton are expected to leave before this window closes.
To date Blackburn have taken the stance to buy young players who have no experience of the Premier league, and all of these transfers have taken an age to complete. Blackburn are still in the market for another 3 or 4 players and their transfer dealings will go down to the last minute of this transfer window.
The club has promised to deliver on the transfer front and Steve Kean maintains that deals are close on a daily basis. I can confirm transfer activity behind the scenes is frantic as Rovers look to add faces capable of improving the squad. These will not be the marquee players that Venkys promised but cheap sensible buys with low risk factors in terms of sell on value
Saturday in normal circumstances would be like a cup final to supporters as we crave our first league win of the season, But some fans have said they would gladly take another defeat if it meant justice was done and Steve Kean was sacked with immediate effect. He has no experience of running a top flight football club from the front and he is tactically naive,. Managers are judged on results and he has just not produced them. Therefore he should be shown the door purely on his Management record, if Venkys were to take this step they might just get a few fans back on side. By keeping Kean at the helm they are showing they don't have the clubs best interest at heart, by their continued association with Jerome Anderson they are showing that they think they are above the rules.
A football club can't exist without its fans, and if Venky's continue to alienate us fans for their own personal gain then the backlash will be vast.
I call out to all Rovers fans to show your hand and to continue the good work you are already doing to try and save our club from ruin. It takes many voices to make an impact, but if you stick together and tell the right people then Venkys will have no choice but to listen.
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